Poetry has always been a safe place and a jump from a cliff at once for me. With never-ending possibilities of quietly lovable meanings, gentle hugs and the love the wasn’t to be found around, pain turned into words rather than tears and feelings only describable once on paper. I am fond of mixing words and reading them like emotions, for not always emotions are to be seen. When you begin your journey with poetry, your life turns into a series of tiny moments that no eye can see. The falling leaf becomes a metaphor, and the blow of wind becomes a love confession. You become your muse, you notice, appreciate, feel deeper. I mustn’t say it’s alway easy, for it most certainly is not, but it sure does give me a feeling of longing in belonging that is truly one in a lifetime to be. Nothing in poetry is yours, unlike in love where we always try so hard to be in possession, make sure it’s everlasting. Poetry fades, slowly melts away as you read its words aloud, but allows you to feel without the pressure of time. Allows you to dive into the experience of true to your heart, one of a kind love. No-one changes poetry, for we all see it differently. It’s unique for everyone; full of passion, grief, mixed emotions, thunders and little crystal clear waves, heavy rains, rays of sun, autumns and springs and parts of one’s heart. I find beauty all around, I see feelings painted all over people around, I sense love and anger in the stares of the eyes and all because from a very young age I was deeply in love with poetry. Some say it’s a cage, for me it was what set me free.
Every time I felt love was different. One stroke me like a thunder, one came like a gentle wave, the other full of grief. Each and every was an inspiration to a poem I wrote, some of which stayed crumbled up in my bed cabinet, some hidden in novels I keep in my room, some shared with the world. I realized poetry turns pain into beauty, the written confessions allow you to see them from a different perspective. The hurt is so incredibly relatable, that’s why poetry makes you less lonely. Shows you weren’t the first one to go through a heartbreak, you weren’t the first one to struggle with health, move away from beloved house, say bye to your friends, lose a competition, fail a test, not smile t a stranger, not talk your crush. There were people before who went through that. And hey, they survived. Poetry brings faith, hope, you kind of surrender to its beauty, unlike resisting feelings which we do often. “If they wanted to, they would”. Well, in poetry I’d tell you – not really. Notice how many times you wanted to talk to someone, ask someone out for a coffee and you didn’t. So instead of that, I chose, through poetry to tell people how I feel, what I like, ask them questions instead of staying in doubt all the time. This brought so much peace to my life. All thanks to the words I spilt at night, alone, to a piece of paper like it was a soul that never stopped listening.
Allen Ginsberg
“Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private.”